Phototherapyserie @colorcoach.lafe x Frank 🫀 about a story from a healed band between father and daughter. After years of painful unspoken feelings, they found each other, not only through words, but through constellation work. In the space of recognition and understanding, old patterns were broken. What was once a wall became a bridge. By walking this healing journey together, the bond between father and daughter was restored with so much love. Now there is room for genuine love, for vulnerability that no longer needs to be hidden. They can finally be themselves with each other, full of trust in their deep connection. ——- “Today, here we are. Mourning my old body. Something that was mine for such a short time. Mourning the love and safety I missed, all the painful moments and the weight I carried, the burden that was always lurking over my shoulders. I’m letting go of everything, with so much love.” Phaedra, 2025

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